Tips, resources, articles, and news from professional fundraisers throughout our community. If you are interested in contributing, please use our submission form.
Ethical Considerations within the Grant Profession
Ethical Considerations within the Grant Profession
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NPD 2024 Speaker: Crystal Taylor
National Philanthropy Day is about honoring those who give and make giving possible. Yet what is it that nonprofit fundraisers are really trying to accomplish with philanthropy? Receiving a contribution of any size is successful in itself, yet there is so much more to the story, specifically: how does a donation make positive change in…
Exploring the Cause and Effects of Code-Switching for Fundraisers of Color
By: Shenise Foote, AFP Triangle Chapter, Co-Chair for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access (IDEA) Committee; Director of Development, Duke School As fundraisers, we are front line staff that represent the organization in our communities. As Black fundraisers, we are hyper aware of this reality. We constantly feel policed and oftentimes it is by ourselves to ensure…
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Join the 2025 AFP Triangle Chapter Board
We invite you to express your interest in joining our chapter board! We have a need for board volunteers to help us grow and expand our networking programs, education offerings, and membership – all achieved through our commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity and access to create a community of generosity for positive social good through…
Becoming a CFRE
By: Casey Therrien, CFRE, Associate Director of Philanthropy at Triangle Land Conservancy My top strength is an achiever. I like setting goals, personally and professionally, and becoming a CFRE was one of them. In March 2023, I finally achieved that goal, but it wasn’t easy. The first time I sat for the exam in early…
Talent Tips
By: Reid Ricciardi, Executive Director of Talent Management at NC State Oftentimes fundraisers, especially those in smaller shops, wear many hats including general HR and talent management responsibilities. It can be a lot to juggle. Fortunately, there are proven strategies, tactics, and best practices that can be applied in several settings to make things a…
Key Considerations in Documenting Gifts
By Micah J. MaloufSpecial Counsel, Schell Bray PLLC As a fundraising professional, you know a single gift holds the power to transform lives and create lasting change. But the act of giving goes far beyond a mere exchange of funds—it often requires thoughtful planning, a mutual understanding, and a shared vision. Properly documenting this planning,…
Before you post the position
By Reid Ricciardi, Executive Director of Talent Management University AdvancementNC State University Whether you’re filling a position that’s been recently vacated or adding a new role in the organization, talent acquisition is daunting these days. It’s especially challenging if you’re someone that’s wearing multiple hats and doesn’t have the HR resources of a large institution.…
Strengths-Based Messaging
By Jeannine Brown, Consulting AssociationHDH Advancement Group, LLC Who knew when I was sitting in high school writing classes, passing notes back and forth (there were no cell phones, kids), that I would grow up and choose a job where I do a significant amount of writing? Between case statements, appeals, strategic plans, and even…
Communications Tips for Fundraisers
By Pallavi SukhiaPhilanthropy Manager, Triangle Land Conservancy Effective communication is an essential tool for a fundraiser to connect with existing and potential donors to convey their organization’s message and impact. Here are some helpful tips to make sure your communication is impactful and delivers results: Understand your audience: Knowing your audience is the first step to effective…
There’s a Skill That Every Great Fundraiser Needs
By Mary Linda McBrideMindful Resolution It’s already been a long week and you get some version of THE CALL… The donor you were counting on has decided that she is not ready to entertain your “ask”. The grant maker chose to invest in a different project. Your best volunteer just resigned. You might wonder, Is it…
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BIPOC Fundraisers Group: 2023 Outlook
By Mina KobayashiAFP Triangle IDEA Chair BIPOC-identifying fundraisers around the Triangle (and beyond) started gathering in the middle of 2022, both virtually and in person. We look forward to continuing to build this community in 2023. There will be four virtual gatherings this year and several in-person ones. You can register now for the virtual…
New Year, New You?
In 2023, AFP Triangle will have TWO Presidents. You read that right, two Presidents. Working together. Expanding the impact of AFP Triangle in 2023. Leading our community by example.
Ethics In Fundraising
By Pam Highsmith, CFREAFP Board MemberVice President, Advancement & Donor Relations, North Carolina Medical Society Like many of you who operate on a calendar year, along with working hard to secure year-end donations, my organization is in the midst of performance reviews and goal setting for 2023. It’s at this time of year that I am…
What are the benefits of a CFRE credential?
Have you ever wondered what the CFRE credential stands for after someone’s name? It’s a Certified Fund Raising Executive.
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Fundraising vs. Stewardship?
By Melodie Carter, MBASenior Director of Development and Strategic Partnerships, Shaw University What is more important — fundraising or stewardship? The easy, answer is: You need to do both. As fundraisers, we are bounded to the art of getting more. More funds. More donors. More relationships. But at what point does quantity overshadow quantity? So, between fundraising…
What do Bart Simpson, Michael B. Jordan, and the Triangle Chapter of AFP have in Common?
By Pam Highsmith, Vice President, Advancement & Donor Relations, North Carolina Medical Society The year 1987. The first short of the Simpson’s cartoon aired in April; Michael B. Jordan was born in February; and a visionary group of fundraisers established the AFP Triangle Chapter! Please join me and your colleagues on November 17, 2022, at The…
I want my money to go to the cat not the ladder!
Wait, can you make sure that my donation isn’t being spent on the ladder? I want most of my money to go to the cat! By Casey TherrienAssociate Director of Philanthropy, Triangle Land Conservancy One of my favorite things to do when I’m having a rough day is to head over to Vu Le’s NonprofitAF…
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Finding Your Community of Fundraisers
By Mina KobayashiGenesys Works Continuing my work in fundraising and in the nonprofit sector has not always been easy. One of the biggest reasons I have been able to stay in the field has been finding my people within the fundraising community. These people support me, challenge me, and motivate me to improve our profession…
A note of encouragement
By Amy Smith, CFREPresident, AFP Triangle The weight of the tragedy over the past four weeks has been a lot. Too much. I felt an immense sadness after innocent people were killed in New York because of the color of their skin. Before I had time to completely grasp or mourn the enormity of that…