Farewell – it’s been a wonderful year for AFP
This is my last column as President, and I wanted to point out some of the wonderful strides that our AFP Triangle chapter has made in 2011 and to thank all of you for helping us achieve such great things in this past year!
We won five awards that were presented at the International Conference in March. The Highest 2010 Growth award (with 12 percent membership increase) and the Highest Three Year Growth award, for our 17.3 percent overall increase were presented. We have won the Chapter Ten Star Award for excellence across all categories of service. We also won the Charles R. Stephens Excellence in Diversity Award, and the AFP Diversity Award.
We are proud of two of our former AFP Presidents, Gail Perry and Eli Jordfald, who were selected to speak at the International Conference held in Chicago in March.
Our attendance at our special events continues to grow. We saw the largest attendance in the history of the chapter with 275 at the National Philanthropy Day celebration on November 15. We hosted the AFP Statewide North Carolina Philanthropy Conference in August and had 440 participants. Our International AFP President Andrew Watt flew in to speak to our conference also. (Thanks to Triad and Charlotte Chapters for helping us present the conference for its seventh year.) We had 135 attendees at our Philanthropy Forecast in January, our second year offering this day-long program.
Our monthly meetings and webinar were all well attended and received, and we hope you continue to turn to us for new programming and trainings in 2012.
In January, your new president will be Genevieve Joseph, a board member for three years who has led our National Philanthropy Day as co-chair, our logistics committee of the NC Philanthropy Conference, and our chaired our Fundamentals of Fundraising course. I appreciate the warm welcome you have given me this year and hope you extend that to her as well.
Happy Holidays and farewell!!
MaryBeth Carpenter
MaryBeth Carpenter is President of the AFP Triangle Chapter, and Chief Library Fundraising Strategist for the NCSU Libraries.