Have you ever wondered what the CFRE credential stands for after someone’s name? It’s a Certified Fund Raising Executive.
Fundraising vs. Stewardship?
By Melodie Carter, MBASenior Director of Development and Strategic Partnerships, Shaw University What is more important — fundraising or stewardship? The easy, answer is: You need to do both. As fundraisers, we […]
What do Bart Simpson, Michael B. Jordan, and the Triangle Chapter of AFP have in Common?
By Pam Highsmith, Vice President, Advancement & Donor Relations, North Carolina Medical Society The year 1987. The first short of the Simpson’s cartoon aired in April; Michael B. Jordan was born […]
I want my money to go to the cat not the ladder!
Wait, can you make sure that my donation isn’t being spent on the ladder? I want most of my money to go to the cat! By Casey TherrienAssociate Director of […]
Finding Your Community of Fundraisers
By Mina KobayashiGenesys Works Continuing my work in fundraising and in the nonprofit sector has not always been easy. One of the biggest reasons I have been able to stay […]
There’s no better time to be considering your next fundraising move
It’s a Buyer’s Market! But, is this the right time for you to make a move? Let’s discuss.
So Much Accomplished in Such Little Time!
Reflecting on two, short months. Amy Smith, CFRE What happens when you get a group of committed fundraisers and change agents on a board together? You get more change faster […]
Press Release 2013 – National Philanthropy Day Awards
Contact: George MarutPhone: (919) 612 – 3225 Raleigh, September 20, 2013: The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), Triangle Chapter, is pleased to announce the winners of the 2013 National Philanthropy […]